Computer Science + Crop Sciences at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign


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Michael Cheng

Computer Science and Crop Sciences May 2021


Team Projects

Tube Arrivals Map
Contributors: Ishtiaque Mahdi, Kerry Chen, Philip Park, Michael Cheng
An interactive map of the London Underground system which displays arrival times for each station. Tube Arrivals Map is a Flask application which pulls live data from the Transport for London RESTful API and uses d3.js for data visualization.

View demo video.
Contributors: Michael Cheng, Jake Goldman, Kristin Lin, Philip Park
PokéBuilder is a Flask application that allows you to create custom teams of Pokémon, using data from the RESTful API PokéAPI. Stats of your team, such as strengths and weaknesses, are displayed while you create your team. PokéBuilder also works as a social network of Pokémon teams, allowing users to upvote their favorite teams. Data is stored in a MySQL database.